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Multi Condition Shape
By merging the winning technology and shape of our all-terrain tip and on-piste tail, we have created the ultimate combination for a front-side carving ski that can adapt to all conditions all day.
To je naša pot do popolnosti. Naš cilj je premikati meje, saj se zavedamo, da imajo inovacije ključno vlogo pri ustvarjanju vaše najboljše izkušnje. Naš oddelek za raziskave in razvoj si nenehno prizadeva najti in razviti nove rešitve, ki bodo ustrezale potrebam vseh smučarjev. Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušeni smučar ali začetnik, se lahko v tem poglavju poglobite v glavne značilnosti naših izdelkov in najdete točno tisto, kar iščete.
By merging the winning technology and shape of our all-terrain tip and on-piste tail, we have created the ultimate combination for a front-side carving ski that can adapt to all conditions all day.
The all-new Multipista is a crafted fusion of two rocker profiles, creating a carving ski that will drive through all on-piste conditions and result in a consistent ride from top to bottom.
V novi kolekciji smo na novo zasnovali "rocker" profil in še izboljšali vodljivost. Sedaj lahko v smuki uživate pod svojimi pogoji - ne glede na hitrost in teren.
The BOA® Fit System provides a performance fit engineered to enhance feel and responsiveness while reducing pressure points by incrementally fine-tuning the alpine boot closure with precise micro-adjustments.
With a unique blend of three different material densities and the BOA® Fit System, Nordica’s Tri Force + BOA® Fit System constructions offer a contoured fit that maximizes energy transmission for unrivaled power and control.
Nastavljiv profil manšete HF Pro ponuja smučarjem z velikim obsegom nog možnost povečanja obsega zgornje manšete čevlja za do 8 mm.