Chairlifts & Introducing Ski Poles
Tip 4
To safely get on the lift you have to be together but at the same time you need your own space.
Tip 5
Introducing ski poles is a challenge, take your time and don't press the issue if your child isn't ready.
Getting To The Snow
Tip 1
Arriving at the resort and booting up from the car, allow plenty of time for your kid to not feel rushed.
Tip 2
Getting to the snow, we start by giving the kids the power to walk by themselves and their speed.
Tip 3
Navigating the trail map can be the key to a successful day and we have a fun tip to help you navigate the map.
Learn More About our Partners

Wildkind Is A Digital Membership Community That Helps Families With Young Children Level Up Their Outdoor Adventures. If You’re Here To Teach Your Kiddos To Do Hard Things In Beautiful Places, We’ve Got Your Back(pack)! Nordica Athlete, Brooke Murray Co-founded This Amazing Organization And Is Committed To Helping Families Enjoy And Experience Outdoor Adventures.

SheJumps increases the participation of women and girls in outdoor activities. Partnering with nature, SheJumps creates safe, educational outdoor experiences for girls and women that nurture growth and transformation. SheJumps exists to unearth potential through outdoor play with reverence to nature. They do that because they believe growth is in our nature, but fear of stereotypes, failure, rejection, labels, etc – those spoken over us, what we’ve said to ourselves, and what we’ve believed - limit our growth.

PSIA-AASI was founded in 1961 and establishes certification standards for instructors and develops education materials to help members reach their certification goals. More than 32,000 individuals belong to PSIA-AASI (Professional Ski Instructors of America and American Association of Snowboard Instructors), making it the world’s largest organization dedicated to skiing and snowboarding. Simply put: PSIA-AASI gets people stoked on the ski and snowboard experience.